
Monday, August 16, 2010

What I learned at WriteOnCon

WriteOnCon was the first ever free online writing conference and I had the pleasure of attending. I hope you did too. It was a kidlit writing conference, however, as an aspiring women's fiction writer I learned a great deal about writing in general. I am applying two of the things I learned in my blog. With social media, such as a blog, I learned that 1) I should be consistent and 2) a short 200 word post is okay as long as I write about things I enjoy regardless of whether that gets me 4 followers or 400 followers. Yay! So here I go. I will post on my blog once a week, every Tuesday. However, I reserve the right to post "something that interests me" besides a book review if I have not read a new book by Tuesday of each week. Stay tuned for my review of "The Classmate Murders" tomorrow.


  1. Good for you! I have not signed up for any online writing courses, but it has crossed my mind. Sometimes I feel the internet has so much out there that my mind experiences the "fire hose" effect - lol, too much, too quick.

  2. I agree but I definitely recommend WriteOnCon. It was free and completely online. Suzie Townsend from the ECW conference participated along with a few other agents I follow on Twitter. You should definitely sign up for next year.

  3. I didn't even know they had such a thing or I'd have done it too. Please post it on the ECW site well in advance next year because I don't know how else to know when it's happening. I do write for teens, so post any other tips you remember from this year. A few at a time would be good. I'm like Sheri, feeling the fire hose effect.

  4. This was the first year, first ever free online writing conference. Do you want me to post it to the ECW website comments section? Because I do not think I can edit the website. If I can, tell me how and I will do it. The full conference (video blogs, live chats, the schedule, etc.) is still available since it was all online. Here is the link: http://writeoncon.com/about/schedule/. Just review the schedule for topics that interested you and click on it to view the transcript or video blog or recorded live chat. It was August 10 through August 11. I imagine they will try to do it around the same time next year.
